Thursday, May 24, 2012

Be prepared For the Unexpected - whether You're Driving Or Spending Money

Paramedic To Rn Bridge - Be prepared For the Unexpected - whether You're Driving Or Spending Money
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Paramedic To Rn Bridge! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Managing your life is pretty easy when all is going the way you incredible it to. But there are times when the unexpected event requires a quick response on your part. Are you prepared for the unexpected?

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How is Be prepared For the Unexpected - whether You're Driving Or Spending Money

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Paramedic To Rn Bridge.

I think we can agree that unexpected things do happen. But if you are prepared, you have the potential to rebound and steer clear of added damage. I liken this to a car crash. To give ourselves the best opening of maintaining operate when driving, we are taught to keep both hands on the steering wheel, drive within posted speed limits, don't corollary too closely, and voice our car in good mechanical condition. Let's say you are driving and suddenly a large animal jumps out from behind a bridge retain and crashes into your car. If you are prepared and in operate of your car, you will still hit the animal but that will probably be the worst of it. If you're not prepared and not in control, the situation can get worse. You might hit an additional one car or go off the road and encounter serious damage.

When you administrate your money, in many respects you are in the same situation. We are taught to keep an urgency Fund, avoid debt, and allocation our spending. But sometimes the unexpected comes along. Yesterday, I got the county's bill for my property taxes. What a shock! I wasn't ready to make a substantially larger payment right now. Fortunately, I have money set aside for sudden jolts like this, and my house will get straight through this event without much concern. But if we were not prepared and in operate of our money, a bill like this could have caused us to delay payments on other obligations. And would wish us to pay interest, or even penalty payments.

There is a striking similarity between being a responsible driver and taking responsible actions with your money. There is also striking similarity when we correlate our tendency to relax when the going gets easy. Either we are driving on a fast absorbing interstate highway, or just living life while our paycheck comes in and the bills get paid, we tend to give ourselves permission to slack off just a minute bit. We might drive with one hand and drink coffee with the other. We might buy ourselves a nice "toy" that will take a few months to pay off on our reputation card. And most of the time we get away with it. But -- not all the time.

As long as nothing bad happens we're doing okay. In the driving example, if we suddenly have a need to steer with both hands (like when a large animal suddenly appears in the road), we must first put down the coffee. costly time is lost and perhaps we totally lose operate of the situation. In the money example, how many of us found that we could no longer steer where our house money went when the bank minute our reputation line?

If you are driving an old jalopy and a small pothole causes a tire to blow out, you will wish you had substituted the tires before they were worn out. The same feeling exists when you haven't maintained your urgency Fund and your deductible payment for the dentist is due. Or, as in my case, the property tax bill is higher than expected.

Now, let's look at what happens after the crisis. If you had good operate of your car before an encounter with a surprise animal in the road, you have a much good opening that you kept your car on the road and were able to voice operate until you could stop the car. You will find damage to your car, but you (and your passengers) are alive. There's a good opening you could drive away and have the car repaired later. But, if you lost control, you could wind up in a ditch unable to do anything until a tow truck pulled you out... Or worse.

If you keep a well-funded urgency Fund and a sudden large bill needs to be paid, or you lose your job, you will still see some damage to your finances. But you'll be able to steer straight through much of the crisis. With any financial surprise you can right away appreciate having an urgency Fund. Depending on how bad the urgency is, you might also appreciate not having reputation card debt to pay off, or knowing that your house value is greater than your mortgage balance. In fact, good financial planners will tell you to have an urgency Fund that has enough money to carry you straight through at least six months without household income; to save 15% of your wage for retirement later in life; to keep your reputation cards paid in full each month; and not to mortgage you house for more than 80% of its market value.

If you're unlucky enough to encounter a major financial crisis, it may not be your fault that the urgency happens. But how well you survive the urgency is very much up to you and how well you have prepared for the unexpected.

As I look for one more similarity between managing money and driving, I'm reminded of the man who had a car urgency with an oncoming drunk driver. As the paramedics were putting the man into the ambulance, the policeman told the man's wife how lucky he was to have his seat belt on and was able to keep the car from going over a around embankment. She responded, "I don't think he was so lucky. Look at him." The policeman replied, "You're right, let me rephrase that. He's not Lucky... He's Alive because he had his seat belt on and was able to keep the car from going over the around embankment!"

Let me repeat, "How well you survive is very much up to you and how well you have prepared for the unexpected."

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