Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cool Ideas For Homemade Graduation Cakes

Paramedic Rn - Cool Ideas For Homemade Graduation Cakes
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Do you know about - Cool Ideas For Homemade Graduation Cakes

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Deciding on baking a cake for a house member or friend who is graduating? You want to make it extra but are not sure how? No worries you can make extra graduation cakes of course no matter what skill level in baking. You can go from the straightforward to the extravagant all depending on you. Words of guidance though do not try to do a cake that may be over your skill level. Be honest with yourself when choosing your cake concept. If you have of course never baked a cake before or just maybe few times then you might not want to try to make a three story cake for the extra occasion.

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How is Cool Ideas For Homemade Graduation Cakes

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Cake Idea Tips
There are many ideas for graduation cakes. To get ideas look no added than your grade. What do they like? What school are they graduating from? Is it kindergarten? College? High School? Here are some ideas depending on where they are graduating from


If you are development graduation cakes for a young man for their kindergarten graduation then you make want to go with cupcakes. You can make personel wee cupcakes and decorate them any way you want, maybe fill them with a cream or fruity filling for a delightful surprise inside.

Medical School

If you have a house member friend graduating from medical school what a great idea than to make a cake that is decorated in the field they are graduating in. For example if man has gone to nursing school, you can decorate the cake with an old style nurse's hat and congratulations written next to it. Is man becoming an Emt? A great idea is development a cake decorated like a medical fastener becoming an Emt? Make a medical fastener cake.

High School

You cannot go wrong with the excellent graduation cap and diploma cake. You can whether draw it yourself or find cute wee cake toppers to put on the cake. If you of course have some cake baking skills you can make a cake in the shape of a graduation hat or a diploma. For something fun and quirky makes a man shaped cake and decorate them in the high school cap and gown colors. It is easy to do if you spend in seeing a baking pan mold the man shape. They are out there. For a more sentimental idea put a picture of the grad on the cake in their cap and gown then write congratulations or class of 2009 maybe add a cake topper diploma to complete the piece.


For the college grad and great cake idea would be anything procedure they majored in. If college grad major was in music what a great fitting graduation cake than say decorated to look like a music sheet paper. You can decorate the cake with music notes or instruments, a microphone if they are a vocalist. Is your grad is an English major? Decorate a cake that had a pen and notebook on it.

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